Sunday, March 25, 2012

Things You Learn When You Move To The South (Part 1)

19 years of life 
12 years of grade school
2 years of college

and after ALL THAT I still was not prepared for the things I've learned since moving to the Dirty South :)

I thought I would share a few of them with everyone:

It's not a car- it's a truck (The two are NOT interchangeable!)

 "Buggy"- A shopping cart

 "Hows-yur-momma-n-them"- How is your momma and family doing? 

"Let me hold your phone?"- Can I borrow your phone? 

"Bless his/ her heart."- They are stupid or they did something stupid

 "Yonder"- and undisclosed location that passes as directions 

"I'm fixin to"- I'm going to do something 

"We're kin"- somehow, someway, by marriage or blood (or in some cases both J) we're related 

"Slow time or Fast time?"- Half the ward lives in Eastern time (fast time) and the other half live in central time (slow time)! This makes family events, ward activities, or going to school VERY difficult! 

"We were out hunting on that one road, that;s after the red road, and close to the chinky pin road, that we caught the dogs at that one time"- I will NEVER EVER be able to hunt solo with  Derek and his Dad!!!

 "Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every now and then"- Everyone is lucky from time to time 

"Pecan"- it's not pronounced "Pi-Con" like they say out west- it's "Pee-Can". Get it straight!

 "He/She's a Good un' "- They're a good boy or girl

 "It was a sorry looking deer"- It was sad or pathetic 

Stay tuned for more lessons on "Speakin County"!


  1. What a cute post!! And you nailed it with your interpretations!! :)

  2. Hahah I love this! I can totally see (and hear you in my head) saying these things now. So funny!
